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Maharana Pratap | Maharana Pratap Jayanti | Maharana Pratap Quotes Hindi English

Maharana Pratap | Maharana Pratap Jayanti | Maharana Pratap Quotes Hindi English. Maharana Pratap Jayanti is a Hindu festival that commemorates the birth of Maharana Pratap, a Rajput warrior, and king who is revered as a hero in India. Maharana Pratap was the ruler of Mewar, a principality in Rajasthan, in the 16th century. 

He is known for his bravery and resistance to the Mughal Empire, which was trying to annex Mewar. He is particularly remembered for his famous battle against the Mughals at the Battle of Haldighati in 1576, in which he and his small army of Rajputs fought against the much larger Mughal army led by Emperor Akbar. 


Maharana Pratap Jayanti is typically celebrated with religious ceremonies and cultural events, including prayers, processions, and the singing of devotional songs. It is typically observed on the third day of the bright half of the Hindu month of Jyeshtha, which falls in May or June according to the Gregorian calendar.

Maharana Pratap | Maharana Pratap Jayanti | Maharana Pratap Quotes Hindi English

Maharana Pratap is remembered as a brave and courageous warrior who fought for the independence and honor of his kingdom. Some notable quotes attributed to him are:

  • "I would rather live for one day as a tiger than for a hundred years as a sheep."
  • "I would rather die a thousand deaths than live a life of cowardice and dishonor."
  • "It is better to die fighting for one's rights than to live a life of servitude and submission."
  • "The duty of a warrior is to protect and defend his kingdom, even if it means laying down his life."
  • "I will not let my kingdom fall into the hands of the enemy. I will fight to the last breath to defend it."
  • "I will not surrender Mewar to the enemy. I will fight for its independence and honor until my last breath."
  • "The true measure of a warrior is not in the number of battles he wins, but in the courage and determination he shows in defending his kingdom and upholding its honor."
Maharana Pratap was the son of Maharana Udai Singh II, the ruler of Mewar, and his queen, Rani Dheer Bai. He had several siblings, including his younger brother Jagmal, who was also a warrior and fought alongside Maharana Pratap in the Battle of Haldighati. Maharana Pratap was married to Ajabde Punwar, the daughter of the ruler of Rewa. He had several children, including his son and successor, Amar Singh, who became the ruler of Mewar after Maharana Pratap's death.

Maharana Pratap | Maharana Pratap Jayanti | Maharana Pratap Quotes Hindi

Maharana Pratap's family was known for their resistance to the Mughal Empire and their efforts to preserve the independence and cultural traditions of Mewar. They were also known for their patronage of the arts, and Mewar became a center of cultural and artistic activity during their rule. Maharana Pratap is remembered as a hero and cultural icon in Rajasthan, and his legacy has been celebrated in literature, art, and popular culture in India.

Maharana Pratap Famous Quotes In Hindi

"मनुष्य का गौरव और आत्मसम्मान उसकी सबसे बङी कमाई होती है।
अतः सदा इनकी रक्षा करनी चाहिए।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"मातृभूमि और अपने माँ मे तुलना करना और अन्तर 
समझना निर्बल और मुर्खो का काम है।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"सम्मानहीन मनुष्य एक मृत 
व्यक्ति के समान होता है।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"ये संसार कर्मवीरो की ही सुनता है। अतः अपने कर्म के 
मार्ग पर अडिग और प्रशस्त रहो।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"समय इतना बलवान होता है, कि एक राजा को भी 
घास की रोटी खिला सकता है।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
Maharana Pratap Jayanti
"समय एक ताकतवर और साहसी को ही अपनी विरासत देता है, 
अतः अपने रस्ते पर अडिग रहो।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"हल्दीघाटी के युध्द ने मेरा सर्वस्व छीन लिया हो। पर मेरी 
गौरव और शान और बढा दिया।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"जो सुख मे अतिप्रसन्न और विपत्ति मे डर के झुक जाते है, 
उन्हे ना सफलता मिलती है और न ही इतिहास मे जगह।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"अपने अच्छे समय मे अपने कर्म से इतने विश्वास पात्र बना लो 
कि बुरा वक्त आने पर वो उसे भी अच्छा बना दे।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"जो अत्यंत विकट परिस्तिथत मे भी झुक कर हार नही मानते। 
वो हार कर भी जीते होते है।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"अगर सर्प से प्रेम रखोगे तो भी वो अपने 
स्वभाव के अनुसार डसेगाँ ही।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"शत्रु सफल और शौर्यवान 
व्यकति के ही होते है।"
 ~महाराणा प्रताप
"एक शासक का पहला कर्त्यव अपने राज्य का गौरव 
और सम्मान बचाने का होता है।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप  
"तब तक परिश्रम करते रहो जब तक तुम्हे 
तुम्हारी मंजिल न मिल जाये।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"अपनी कीमती जीवन को सुख और आराम कि जिन्दगी 
बनाकर कर नष्ट करने से बढिया है कि अपने राष्ट्र कि सेवा करो।"
 ~महाराणा प्रताप
"मनुष्य अपने कठीन परिश्रम और कष्टो से ही अपने 
नाम को अमर कर सकता है।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"अपने और अपने परिवार के अलावा जो अपने राष्ट्र के 
बारे मे सोचे वही सच्चा नागरिक होता है।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
 "अगर इरादा नेक और मजबूत है। तो मनुष्य 
कि पराजय नही विजय होती है।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"कष्ट,विपत्ती और संकट ये जीवन को मजबूत और अनुभवी बनाते है। 
इनसे डरना नही बल्कि प्रसन्नता पूर्वक इनसे जुझना चाहिए।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"सत्य,परिश्रम,और संतोष सुखमय जीवन के साधन है। परन्तु 
अन्याय के प्रतिकार के लिए हिंसा भी आवश्यक है। " 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"नित्य, अपने लक्ष्य,परिश्रम,और आत्मशक्ति को याद 
करने पर सफलता का मार्ग सरल हो जाता है।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"गौरव,मान- मर्यादा और आत्मसम्मान से बढ कर 
कीमती जीवन भी नही समझना चाहिए।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
"अपनो से बङो के आगे झुक कर समस्त 
संसार को झुकाया जा सकता है।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप
 "अन्याय, अधर्म,आदि का विनाश करना
 पुरे मानव जाति का कतर्व्य है।"
 ~महाराणा प्रताप
"अपने कतर्व्य,और पुरे सृष्टि के कल्याण के लिए प्रयत्नरत 
मनुष्य को युग युगांतर तक स्मरण रखा जाता है।" 
~महाराणा प्रताप

Maharana Pratap | Maharana Pratap Jayanti

Maharana Pratap was married to Ajabde Punwar, the daughter of the ruler of Rewa. She was also known as Ajabde Bai or Ajabde Mewar. Ajabde Punwar was known for her beauty, intelligence, and strength of character. She was a loyal and supportive wife to Maharana Pratap and played a crucial role in helping him defend Mewar against the Mughal Empire.

According to legend, Ajabde Punwar was instrumental in persuading Maharana Pratap to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict with the Mughals, rather than resorting to war. She also played a key role in the administration of Mewar and was known for her philanthropy and support of the arts.

Ajabde Punwar and Maharana Pratap had several children, including their son and successor, Amar Singh, who became the ruler of Mewar after Maharana Pratap's death. Ajabde Punwar was highly respected and revered in Mewar, and she is remembered as an important historical figure in Rajasthan.


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